Big Bag Handling and Discharge Unit

This unit is designed to dispense dry powder into the fertilizer blend and is automatically operated.
A weighing indicator combined with the central PLC controls the discharge weight information from the machine.

The software is developed to have a continuously adjustable control for the amount of product the machine discharges. This information is combined in the weighing module, to assure the recipe is followed precisely and the end product has an outstanding quality.

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The Main Features

Controlled by 4 load cells.

Computer controlled discharging.

Weighing capacity of 2000 kg.

Dry powder dispenser.

Big Bag Handling and Discharge Unit

A big bag with dry powder is hanging on the bag holding frame. From the bottom a screw transports the product to the beginning of the blending screw. The amount of product is variable and depends on the recipe. Metering variable: 1kg to unlimited kg product. Target rate: 120 kg per hour (2kg per minute).

Since the machine is completely weighing, the unit can precisely control the amount of product coming from the adding unit.

The big bag product flow is dust free, the operator can control the big bag flow by closing the big bag discharge pipe in the dust free chamber.

The machine is complete with bag vibrator and product agitator.

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