Around the world

Around the world

Gustaaf Zeeman, EMT, The Netherlands, provides an overview of the company’s blending, bagging and transport projects in Thailand, Ethiopia and South Africa.

Precise blending

Precise blending

Gustaaf Zeeman, EMT, The Netherlands, details the company’s global operations, including working with Yara in Thailand.

Fertilizer Blending

Customer Specific Blending

Zico Zeeman, EMT the Netherlands, Shows how customer-specific fertilizer blends can assist with maintaining or increasing yields, while using less fertilizer, and describes the installation of a blending factory in Topolobampo, Mexico.

Smartening up Bulk Handling

Zico Zeeman, EMT the Netherlands, Explores the move towards more automated methods of bulk handling in the fertilizer industry.

Gustaaf Zeeman

Meer mensen + Meer welvaart

Gustaaf Zeeman, praat over de effecten van de groeiende welvaart en wereld bevolking op hun sector.

The perfect blend

The Perfect Blend

Gustaaf Zeeman, EMT, outlines key considerations when developing and operating a fertilizer blending plant.

Precise blending

Gustaaf Zeeman, EMT, The Netherlands, Explains why careful bag selection is crucial to achieving efficient fertilizer handling operations.

It is wise to customize

It is wise to customize

Zico Zeeman, EMT the Netherlands, Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the machinery used in the fertilizer blending process, and considers how it can help to create tailor-made solutions for customers.

EMT proceslijnen voor Franse kunstmestfabrikant

EMT, gevestigd in ’t Zand, Noord-Holland, heeft zichzelf in het eerste kwartaal van 2023 op de kaart gezet met de realisatie van een indrukwekkende uitbreiding van de kunstmestfabriek van Atena in La Rochelle-Cedex (Frankrijk). De capaciteit van de fabriek bedraagt liefst 120 ton per uur. Het ontwerp van EMT voor de nieuwe productiefaciliteit van Atena …

Atena Project – France

EMT installs state of the art fertilizer handling factory in la Rochelle, France. In the first quarter of 2023, EMT successfully installed a state-of-the-art Urea treating, NPK blending, sieving, and coating line for fertilizers with a central capacity of 120 tonnes per hour installed for Atena in La Rochelle-Cedex. The production line is a complex …